We offer an option which is a great alternative to surgery, can be done on some one who is not fit for surgery, benefits excellently in initial stages of pain, gives regeneration and reduces pain around your knee joint.
Frequently Asked Questions
Knee pain can happen due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, bursitis, ligament inflammation, tendonitis, sprained ligaments, meniscal tears, muscle strain etc. although over weight, ageing are most common causes for knee pain, injury, sports injuries, lack of exercise can be other reasons too.
Early onset knee pain is very common now a days around 25 years of age and while in elderly population this is established
Acute or chronic knee pain both are debilitating and hinder your day to day activities like getting up from bed, sitting on floor, sitting on low chair, taking stairs, running, walking etc and this might seem like a small problem but quality of life will reduce greatly and this can demoralize you.
Traditional options like home remedies, pain killers, physiotherapy, muscle relaxants, acupuncture, surgery.
We offer an option which is a great alternative to surgery, can be done on some one who is not fit for surgery, benefits excellently in initial stages of pain, gives regeneration and reduces pain around your knee joint.
Our three step protocol includes rf ablation, hyaluronic acid injection, platelet rich plasma injection into knee joint , all of which work wonders for your knee problems. PRP has been established in medical research as one of the best procedures and its USFDA approved technique for knee pain.
After a thorough consultation, we scan your affected knee area to analyze few parameters and diagnose the situation, counsel you which fits you better and what suits you better and your treatment plan is tailormade and discussed with you