Hip pain is a prevalent medical complaint that can significantly impact an individual’s mobility, comfort, and quality of life. Whether it arises suddenly from injury or develops gradually due to underlying conditions, hip pain can hinder daily activities, restrict movement, and cause discomfort during rest
Frequently Asked Questions
Hip pain can be due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, sprains, avascular necrosis. although hip pain is lesser common compared to shoulder and knee pain, its very debilitating for everyday work
It can restrict your day to day activities, can affect your posture, can cause pain while driving, sleeping, lifting objects. It can vary from slight discomfort to severe pain. Its linked with knee pain usually. It usually radiates down till knee or calf and also can extend to lower back, buttocks and back
Traditional options like home remedies, pain killers, physiotherapy, muscle relaxants, acupuncture, surgery.
We offer option which is a great alternative to surgery, can be done some one who cannot perform surgery, benefits excellently in initial stages of pain, give the regeneration and reduces pain around your hip joint.
Our protocols include rf ablation and trigger point injections , which work wonders for your hip problems.
After a thorough consultation, we scan your affected hip area to analyse few parameters and diagnose the situation, counsel you which fits you better and what suits you better and your treatment plan is tailormade and discussed with you